consciousness to shape your reality
Discover the power of your consciousness to shape your reality and elevate your spiritual connection.Feeling is the secret. Ideas that shape the world. It's not uncommon to feel like we're floating in the river of life, swept away by its current with little control over our circumstances. Yet every now and then we encounter people who seem to navigate their existence with an unwavering sense of direction and purpose.
What's their secret? Well, that's what you're about to find out. Here you'll embark on a fascinating exploration of consciousness and discover how to harness your power to shape your reality rather than simply react to it. This transformative perspective will challenge you to redefine your relationship with the world and to unlock a new level of spiritual understanding. Get ready to explore a secret so profound that it could shift your entire perspective on life, prayer, and your place in the cosmos. Creation.
Mastering the dance of conscious and subconscious minds. Imagine for a moment that you're standing on the bank of a river. The river splits into two separate streams, each possessing a unique character. The larger, more dominant stream is ever-changing with swift currents and ebbs. The smaller, less noticeable stream is more gentle and accepting, simply flowing where it's directed.
This imagery is a perfect metaphor for the concept of consciousness. Consciousness is the river of your life, dividing into the conscious and subconscious streams. Your conscious mind is like the larger, more dominant stream. It's personal and selective, and it's constantly generating ideas. The subconscious mind, on the other hand, is the accepting stream. It doesn't create ideas of its own.
Instead, it accepts and gives form to what the conscious mind feeds it. It's important to understand how these two aspects of consciousness interact. Think of the conscious mind as the male principle, the idea generator. While the subconscious mind is the female principle, the womb that gives these ideas shape and form. By mastering this interaction, you can control your life. Creation, then, is a three-step dance.
It starts with an idea, morphs into a feeling, and ends with a decision to act. The vital link here is feeling, which serves as the courier that delivers ideas from the conscious to the subconscious. This dynamic is why controlling your feelings is so crucial. Controlling feelings isn't about suppression or restraint. It's about disciplining yourself not to entertain unwanted feelings or dwell on imperfections, either your own or others. Think of the golden rule, treat others as you'd wish to be treated.
It's a simple yet powerful guide to a happy life. When two feelings contradict, the dominant one will be expressed. For instance, I am happy is stronger than I will be happy. The phrase, I will be, subtly suggests I am not at the moment, which contradicts the feeling of realization. The importance of feelings becomes more apparent when you consider your body as an emotional filter. Your emotions connect you to the outside world.
Suppressed emotions, like bottled-up frustrations or regrets, can lead to all sorts of problems, including disease, so it's crucial to transform these emotions into a state you wish to realize. By changing your feelings, you can literally change the world around you. Alter your destiny Throughout this process, avoid positioning yourself as a victim of fate or chance. The reality is, your subconscious mind is the stage director of your life. It's indifferent to truth. Your feelings serve as its compass.
In other words, if you genuinely feel something to be true, it's true to your subconscious. So, what do you want? Close your eyes. Can you already feel that it belongs to you? It's far easier to see the world as controlling your feelings rather than the other way around. But remember, as within, so without.
There's nothing in your world that isn't a manifestation of the contents of your consciousness. In the pursuit of total self-control, there are two paths to reach the subconscious. Sleep and prayer. We'll explore each of these aspects in the next sections. Sleep, the gardener of your subconscious mind Imagine you're a gardener.
Sleep: The gardener of your subconscious mind
Each day, you lovingly tend to your plot, carefully choosing the right seeds to sow. Every seed is a promise of the plant it will become, each bearing its own significance. Similarly, each of us carries the potential to plant seeds of feelings in the garden of our subconscious mind, especially during sleep. Sleep is a state you'll spend approximately a third of your life in, a significant portion of your existence. It's a natural gateway to the subconscious, and if you recognize its profound value, you'll welcome it each night as an intimate companion.
As the ancient sage Job observed, we receive wisdom and instruction during sleep, revealing our inner selves. While asleep, the conscious mind surrenders to the subconscious. While asleep, the conscious mind surrenders to the subconscious, and whatever lingers in the subconscious manifests in your waking life. Sleep doesn't offer you what you desire. Instead, it reflects and reinforces who you think you are. In sleep, there's no freedom of choice.
The state of your subconscious is shaped by your last waking thoughts and feelings. So, try to slip into sleep with feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction. As you lay down to rest, imagine you've already fulfilled your desires, then gently drift into sleep. During this process, you'll imprint your conception of self onto the subconscious. Practice this nightly, and never surrender to sleep while harboring feelings of failure or discouragement. By assuming the reality of your dreams, they'll begin to take form.
Don't be restricted by the past. Dare to imagine states beyond your lived experiences. Remember, every visible, tangible state once existed as an invisible, subjective idea. You have the power to realize whatever you envision. In your waking state, you're the gardener choosing seeds. The feeling you nurture as you fall asleep is the seed that will sprout into your subconscious garden.
In this way, sleep is a heavenly door leading you toward your desired state. But there's another path, prayer. Prayer. The silent conversation that shapes your reality.
Prayer: The silent conversation that shapes your reality
Imagine standing in front of a locked door. You hold the key, but you aren't quite sure how to use it. Prayer, in many ways, is like that key. It provides access to the vast creative potential of your subconscious mind, but often seems elusive. Prayer invites you to retreat into your inner sanctuary, away from the noise of the external world.
When you close the door behind you, you engage in a sacred conversation with your inner self. This private communion prepares your mind to receive openly. To pray is to enter into a state of awareness. It's a state of being aware of To pray is to enter a state akin to sleep, where your mind becomes receptive to internal suggestions. The essence of prayer isn't merely asking for what you want, it's also preparing yourself to receive it. Belief is essential.
When you pray, you need to trust that your desires are already fulfilled. Why is belief so critical? It's because consciousness, imprinted with the feeling of your desire, is the only reality. Your feelings don't just influence your life, they dictate the world around you. It's easy to lean on sensory evidence, which is why it's crucial to silence your senses before praying. A sense of doubt, captured in thoughts like, I want to but I can't, obstructs the path to manifesting your desires.
Remember, you can't attract what you desire. Instead, you attract what you consciously believe you are. If there's a conflict between your feelings and your wish, your feelings will inevitably triumph. The solution here is to yield to your desires. But how? It's simple.
By creating a meditative, passive state that mirrors sleep. To do this, sit comfortably or lay down, and then induce a sleepy feeling. Let tranquility and peace envelop you. In this serene state, vividly imagine that your wish is already fulfilled. You don't need to figure out how, simply focus on the is. Consider what you want to accomplish in life and visualize it vividly in your mind.
You may feel the need to quietly voice it, but this isn't necessary. Just focus on the image. As you conclude your prayer, emerge as if you've just watched the happy ending of a movie. The intricate details of how it came to pass aren't your concern. You know that the end you desire is already defined. And that's the essence of prayer.
The main takeaway?
Your consciousness is the architect of your reality. It's divided into the conscious and subconscious minds, resembling two intertwining streams. With feelings acting as the bridge, your conscious mind creates ideas and impresses them onto your subconscious, which in turn gives them form. This process is the essence of creation. Mastering it grants you control over your world, shaping it according to your desires.
Sleep serves as a vital gateway to your subconscious mind. The feelings you nurture as you drift off to sleep are the seeds you plant in your mind's garden. When you greet sleep as a lover and cultivate positive feelings, you'll manifest your desires in your waking life. Prayer mirrors sleep in its ability to tap into the subconscious. Rather than voicing your desires, assume that they're already fulfilled. In this silent conversation, belief is your guide.
Envision your desired state, surrender to it, and allow the gentle waves of serenity to carry your wishes into reality. You have the keys to shape your world. Master your mind, nurture your feelings, and remember that you're not just a bystander. You're the creator of your life. Your reality is waiting to take the form you desire. So dream, believe, and embark on this beautiful journey of creation.
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