When so called reasonable people cannot come up with rational explanations to explain the tyrannical actions of the them, they usually have to resort to bizarre conjectures in order to preserve their sanity. Whenever possible they stepped in for their share of the pie. The extent of violence generally building towards a crescendo as puberty approaches. All their deeds make sure that your promise to yourself doesn’t come to fruition.
You need another day again to get it fixed to the core telling yourself to keep your socks on!
C’est La Vie.
Since Childhood you get indoctrinated with biased convoluted psyche thanks to our tradition. Parents would be beaming in pride while infantilising you and dragooning you doing something as per their preferences without even evaluating what you have been good at.Have they ever thought what You wanted? No!!! Cuz they weren’t bothered. They wanted you to grow the same way they were brought up. Dreaming about something beyond their CAPACITY was perceived as a heinous Crime. Two options are left with. Either you end your short life deprived of hope or drag it along in search of “Where’s end of this tunnel”amidst Desolation and denial.
History shows Americans or European Lads could barely remember their Parents the time they enter their sophomore years. On the contrary here u have to step in the same mark marked by their step. You have been raised not because of your life but to fortify their future which seems so porous thanks to their wasted life. So u are raised to owe them at later stage of life irrespective of your contentment. The things get aggravated when you as a child faced the brunt of Legal turmoil between your parents. The sordid occasion always precluded your natural childhood dangling precariously on a thin rope of Life. Your ‘Want’ was denied, ignored might be because of their incapability or ineptitude.My little Castle was silhouetted against the sky. You had to do well at school cuz it was a battle for her to win. I have always been a mere bloke in the corral glancing over the fence of life while they were horse trading throughout. U do go through immense pain as every minute ticking by but who are even there to listen to u, to feel you. You are a mere bargain, a failure to yourself while got to mask it behind the metaphorical veil of “Desi Tradition”. You are raised at someone else’s term to get married in order to expand your ancestry but you have no idea what you need to impart to your posterity. You intend to share the same what was shared with?????If not then challenge lies there. You are halfway there of your life and you are not what you wanted to be. You aren’t what you ever intended to be despite of being successful. Challenge lies there. The imperishable agony you are writhing in seems to be a cacography to your soul to be deciphered. Decide before you act. Don’t ruin a life. Please.
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